Environmental Policy

Environmental Policy for Parvat Exploration:

Trekking and Mountaineering in Uttarakhand, India

Updated on January 29, 2024

At Parvat Exploration, we are deeply committed to preserving and protecting the fragile ecosystems of the Uttarakhand Himalayas. Our love and respect for these mountains drive our mission to facilitate thrilling adventures like trekking and mountaineering while ensuring minimal impact on the environment. Our policy revolves around two key principles: “How we strive for zero foot-print” and “What we can do better.”

How we strive for zero "foot-print"

1. Thoughtful Group Sizing:
We acknowledge the popularity of certain areas and the associated environmental risks. To mitigate these risks, we limit group sizes to a maximum of 15 people. This not only enhances the safety and experience for participants but also reduces the immediate impact on the environment.

2. Seasonal Visitor Limits:
Recognizing the importance of limiting human presence, we commit to allowing a maximum of 450 persons per trek in a specific season. While this may challenge our economic considerations, it is crucial for the long-term sustainability of these landscapes.

3. Waste Management:
– *Bio-degradable Organic Waste:* We minimize organic waste by sensitizing participants and using reusable utensils. Whatever waste is generated is disposed of in deep pits, enriching nearby vegetation.
– *Toilet Waste:* We employ different strategies based on altitude. In low-altitude areas, we use deep pits covered with earth, while in high-altitude regions, waste is carried back in biodegradable bags and disposed of responsibly.
– *Non-biodegradable Waste:* We actively discourage the use of plastic and encourage participants to carry back all non-biodegradable waste for proper disposal in designated bins.

4. Water Source Protection:
– *Toilet Areas:* Positioned away from water sources to prevent contamination.
– *No Littering:* Strict policies against littering or washing dishes near water bodies.
– *Chemical-Free Practices:* Prohibition of soap or chemical cleaners in natural water streams to maintain water source cleanliness.

We invite feedback and suggestions at hq@parvatexploration.com to continuously improve our policies and contribute to the preservation of Uttarakhand’s pristine ecosystems. Together, let’s explore responsibly and ensure the Himalayas remain enchanting for generations to come.

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